Environment Committee

Committee Description:

Rotary International’s new area of focus is caring for the environment in ways, which will bring about positive change in the world. RC Karrinyup’s Earth Committee is charged with working on projects designed to reduce our impact on the environment and to adopt practices that use resources sustainably for our immediate survival and future generations.

Full Committee Description:

The Earth Committee seeks to support and strengthen Rotary Club of Karrinyup engagement in existing projects and commence new projects to develop awareness of environment & sustainability in the community.

Specific avenues include:

  • Liaise with the Greenbatch recycling program
  • Seek opportunities for Tree planting and land management.
  • Provide financial contributions and support to the Friends of Star Swamp.
  • Provide financial contributions and support to the Friends of Trigg Bushland
  • Explore strategies to engage withyoung people regarding the issue of the environment.

Contact - Environment Committee


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