Thank You For Mooro Country Project
Some time ago our Club was approached to assist the Mooro County Tour Group to provide seating at Lake Gwelup Reserve for members of their cultural tour groups. Mooro Country Tours is a not-for-profit organisation run in association with Wadjak Northside Aboriginal Resource Centre Balga, who provide walking tours - cultural experiences with local Aboriginal elders. Participants are able to learn about local Aboriginal people and their contribution to the City of Stirling.
At first the idea was to provide the design work and funding for a couple of park benches for participants; but with the enthusiasm and support of our Community Services Committee, the project (and costs) grew to include a decking area - and became financially out of reach of our budget. However, in order to complete the project we were successful in our application for a Federal Government grant through the Stronger Communities Programme. The project was completed on October 2016.
Recently the Wadjak Northside Community Group hosted a tour of Lake Gwelup Mooro Country specifically for members of our club, as a thank you for the seating facility. The tour started with an introduction at the Lake Gwelup seating facility, showing us the Lake Gwelup Reserve from a traditional Aboriginal perspective.
On a perfect autumn day, members shared a truly delightful morning with the lovely Wadjak people concluding with a delicious morning tea featuring produce from the Australian bush.