Community News
Golden Project November 2024
Karrinyup Rotary commenced planning a 50th anniversary project in 2021. The Golden Project was to be one of significance to celebrate the Club's 50 years of Rotary service. The designated club team worked with architect Alex Godfrey and the City of Stirling. Over the years, it was decided it would be the 'Lake Gwelup Story Trail', an interactive experience, celebrating Nyoongar culture, environmental and historical stories of Lake Gwelup, where the club has a long history of service to the community. The project has now been completed and will be launched on 23 November. Peter Polain and Peter Durrent are seen here toasting the successful completion of the project.
Remembrance Day 2024
Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November to recall the end of First World War hostilities and honour all who have died in the line of duty. Our club supported the Rotary Club of Osborne Park, who were joined by the 10th Light Horse Association and the military section of the Veteran & Classic Car Club of WA, for a Memorial Service conducted by the RSLWA Osborne Park Sub Branch in the Rotunda, which was originaly built by our club, at Lake Gwelup Reserve. Karrinyup Rotary supplied morning tea for community members, who stayed to socialise and view the horses and veteran cars. See more photos.
Meet our Silver Salties
Karrinyup Rotary has shared a wonderful relationship with the Trigg Island SLSC for many years. Recently our Club was invited to help celebrate their Silver Salties program having been awarded Community Education Program of the Year. Silver Salties Trigg Island, has become more then just a program, it is an internal family, that enriches the lives of all who are involved. Paul, Murray and Geoff reported on their visit to the Trigg Island Surf Club to attend the celebrations.
Vale Frits Vanirsen
Karrinyup Rotary members recently attended a celebration of the life of Past President and Honorary Member Frits Van Irsen. Inducted into the Rotary Club of Karrinyup in 1986, Frits served as President in 1996-1997 and later as Secretary and Treasurer. He was recognised as a Paul Harris Fellow in 1993 - 1994 and in 2011 was honoured with a sapphire pin. In 2010 he received the Graham Fosbery Presidential Award for his excellent support as Club Secretary. He will be sadly missed.
New Access Ramp at Mettams Pool
Forty-four years on, a new access ramp has been completed at Mettams Pool. It replaces the old ramp, which was removed in 2021, as it had seriously deteriorated since it was built in 1980. The original ramp, in the early days of the club, was a joint project between the City of Stirling and the Rotary Club of Karrinyup. Some of the Rotarians, who were part of building the original ramp (some of it hands on in those days!) are sill with us today. Building the ramp provided its own challenge with work being conducted at all hours of the night, when the tide was at its lowest. See more photos on Facebook.
Induction of PDG President Phil
At the recent 2024 Changeover event, President Kay inducted Past District Governor and President Elect Phil Ledger, as the fifty first President of Rotary Club of Karrinyup, handing over the responsibility of leadership of the Club. President Phil congratulated Kay on her splendid year of service, saying she ran the club with great aplomb. He mentioned that Kay's service was not only to our club, but also to the wider Rotary community and listed a few of her many activites. He then announced the Board of the Rotary Club of Karrinyup for 2024-2025.
Introducing Katitjin Blue Mind Places
Men's Talk has announced the launch of Katitjin Blue Mind Places, dedicated to Men’s Mental Health and Wellbeing. Hubs are located in Scarborough and Busselton. This community hub is for everyone, particularly men, to access mental health support and resources, mentoring programs, workshops and events. Karrinyup Rotary supports mental health through our community service. Past President Peter Durrant and Incoming Community Service Director Jane Wake represented the club at the launch of the Scarborough hub. See photos.
Help for Homeless in Perth 2024
Each year, the Karrinyup Rotary Community Homeless Working Group collects and donates socks and backpacks to the homeless in the city. These items are distributed on our behalf by the Perth Homeless Support Group, as they have developed an innovative “Community Model” over time, which focuses on assisting individuals experiencing homelessness, displacement, and those in transitional housing. Sandra, Jane and Carol are seen here dropping off the goods collected for distribution this winter.
2024 Michael Chin Humanitarian Award
RC Karrinyup is pleased to announce the 2024 recipient of the Dr Michael Chin Humanitarian Award is Janine Wood, Chairperson & Co-Founder, No Limits Perth. Janine is the inspiration and driving force behind the organisation, which is run entirely by volunteers out of a warehouse in Wangara with the motto “Helping Families in crisis, one act of kindness at a time”. The Award, created in 2000 in honour of RC Karrinyup charter member Michael Chin, honours outstanding individuals, who serve the community for their humanitarian and volunteer activities.
2024 Nurse of the Year
The RC Karrinyup Nurse of the Year Award was created in 1990 to honour outstanding nurses and midwives working at the Osborne Park Hospital (OPH). This annual Award recognises a nurse, selected by the hospital, whose daily dedication and care epitomises the highest standard of quality and personal commitment. The selection process now includes finalists in three categories. The overall winner of the 2024 RC Karrinyup Osborne Park Hospital Nurse of the Year Award, selected from the finalists, is Leo Wu. Congratulations Leo!
Black Swan Health Expands Street Doctor Service
Building on twenty years of Black Swan Health's Freo Street Doctor Service Success, Black Swan is now providing very much needed services to the Northern Corridor at a new location in Mirrabooka. The operation is jointly funded by the Rotary Clubs of Karrinyup, Osborne Park and Scarborough, The weekly three hour clinic commenced operation on 13 March. Rotary collaborating to contribute to the well-being of the homeless community and 'Create Hope in the World'.
Socks For the Homeless 2024
Homeless people struggle to find clean dry socks, which can result in their developing trench foot and other problems. This is best prevented by wearing clean dry socks. RC Karrinyup's Sandra McGuire is calling for your help to supply warm socks to homeless people. These need to be in natural fibres for both men and women. You may wish to purchase them yourself or simply donate money to buy the socks. Just $5 will buy two pairs of socks. The team will collect both socks and money at the admin stall at the Stirling Farmers Market over the next couple of weeks. Please give this project your support.
Clubs Collaborate in Healthcare Project
Black Swan Health has delivered fully accredited General Practice medical services and attended to a broad range of health issues for the homeless and those on low incomes via Street Doctor for many years. The Rotary Clubs of Karrinyup, Osborne Park and Scarborough have collaborated to provide the necessary funding for a Street Doctor clinic to commence within the City of Stirling. The service launched in Mirrabooka on 13 March. Rotary collaborating to contribute to the well-being of the homeless community and 'Create Hope in the World'.
Nominations for Michael Chin Humanitarian Award 2024
Nominations are called for the RC Karrinyup 2024 Michael Chin Humanitarian Award. Individuals living or undertaking volunteer humanitarian activities within the City of Stirling area may be nominated with the intent that the recipient be local to the Rotary Club of Karrinyup. Do you know an amazing person, who inspires others and deserves to be recognised? We would love to hear from you. The date for nominations has been extended. These now close 2 April.
Future Leaders Activity Assistance
Karrinyup Rotary Youth Services has set aside funds for financial assistance for young people from families in need to attend Girl Guides, Scouts or similar pursuits (other than sports). The scholarship will cover the annual fees to be a member and participate in a youth development activity. Western Australia resident children aged 5 to 18 years participating, or wishing to participate in approved activities, whose parents/guardian have a Health Care/Pension Concession Card or members of Ukrainian refugee families are eligible.
Seeking to Volunteer at Tranby Hub
A group of Karrinyup Rotary members met with Elaine, volunteer manager at Tranby Hub, to discuss ways in which they could provide support. Elaine explained how the Hub, run by the Uniting Church, does fantastic work with our city’s homeless catering for 300 - 400 people a day, seven days a week for breakfast, morning tea and lunch. The Hub also has showers and computers and provides contact with doctors and Centrelink. They are always looking for volunteers and the Karrinyup Rotary team is very excited and looking forward to their future volunteer work with Tranby Hub.
Local Youth Organisation Training Grant
Currently the Rotary Club of Karrinyup Youth Services group has a small budget to provide funding for local youth organisation volunteers, who reside or volunteer in 'our patch'. The purpose is for them to complete initial or refresher training to gain or maintain such qualifications as Senior First Aid, Mental Health First Aid or Bronze Medallion, that they may require to perform their volunteer role.
2023 City of Stirling Art Awards Presentation
The Karrinyup Rotary Community Service team again sponsored the City of Stirling Biennial Art Awards with a prize for the local artist. This year the judges selected two winners of the Local Art Award. President Kay Durrant and Community Service Director Mike Murphy attended the official opening on Friday 3 November, where Mike presented the awards. He is seen here with one winner - Marina van Leeuwen. The exhibition is free and open to the public until Sunday 12 November (10am – 5pm daily) so there is still time to visit.
Open Day Rotary Supporting 'My Home'
This week a dream has become a reality with an Open Day in North Fremantle. The “My Home” houses are nearing completion and, by the end of the month, eighteen formerly homeless women aged 55+ will have a fully-equipped, high quality home - a forever home. The scale, scope and impact is a breath-taking display of philanthropic endeavour. Rotary Supporting 'My Home' showcases what can be achieved by Rotarians working together and engaging with other community groups. Karrinyup Rotary has played a big part in the journey.
Remembrance Day 2023
Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November to recall the end of First World War hostilities and honour all who have died in the line of duty. Our club supported the Rotary Club of Osborne Park, who were joined by the 10th Light Horse Association and the military section of the Veteran & Classic Car Club of WA, for a Memorial Service conducted by the RSLWA Osborne Park Sub Branch in the Rotunda at Lake Gwelup Reserve. DG Ineke Oliver laid a wreath on behalf of Rotary. Karrinyup Rotary supplied morning tea for community members, who stayed to socialise and view the veteran cars. See more photos.
Help for Homeless in Perth 2023
Karrinyup Rotary's winter support for the homeless commecnced several years ago with collecting warm socks. Later this was expanded to gathering other warm items of clothing and preparing backpacks for the homeless. This year the club also donated sleeping bags. Following a recent busy bee preparing these for distribution, they were delivered to the Perth City Homeless Support Group. Karrinyup Rotary club members Beth, Tess and Jane are seen here working away on packing day. Karrinyup Rotary's donations were set for distribution on Tuesday, 9th May.
2023 Karrinyup Rotary Photo Competition Results
The Rotary Club of Karrinyup Community Service team is proud to announce the the results of the inaugural Karrinyup Rotary Photography Competition. This was a novel and enjoyable way to fund raise specifically for childhood cancer and help support ongoing research. The photography competition, which celebrated natural beauty and interesting people, was open to all. Amateur and professional photographers could all enter. There were four categories: Community Service, Environment, Life on the Street and Photography as Art. These are the winning photos.
2023 Nurse of the Year
The RC Karrinyup Nurse of the Year Award was created in 1990 to honour outstanding nurses and midwives working at the Osborne Park Hospital (OPH). This annual Award recognises a nurse (or midwife), selected by the hospital, whose daily dedication and care epitomises the highest standard of quality and personal commitment. This year the hospital reviewed the selection process to include finalists in three categories. The overall winner of the 2023 RC Karrinyup Osborne Park Hospital Nurse of the Year Award, selected from the finalists, is Donna Wheeldon. Congratulations Donna!
Lake Gwellup Story Trail Walkshop
The City of Stirling in partnership with Karrinyup Rotary will construct its first Story Trail to celebrate the club's 50th anniversary. This will be the Club's Golden Project. To gain a deeper understanding of how the community engages with Lake Gwelup in developing the Story Trail, to support the project and bring the local community together, a barbeque and Walkshop event was held recently at Lake Gwelup Regional Open Space. The community is invited get involved and help shape the next chapter in the Lake Gwelup story.
New Surf Ski for Trigg Island SLSC
Back in July, the Karrinyup Rotary Community Service team donated a a Fennix LS – Surf Life Saving Ski for use by the Trigg Island SLSC. This week we learned that Trigg Island SLSC Youth Members Annika and Eleanor have taken a keen interest in paddling. They have been awarded use of the surf ski in recognition of their ongoing commitment to their training, competition, sportsmanship and upholding the Trigg Island SLSC values. Trigg Island SLSC President Cas Ryan joined the girls to present them with the new ski, which we're sure will get a lot of use. See more photos.