Author's Name: Eddy Giacomel Date: Fri 19 Apr 2019 |
Diversity and Inclusion
For a discussion on diversity and inclusion, Richard Prunster introduced Fadzi Whande. Fadzi is a social justice advocate, who focuses on addressing systemic and institutionalised barriers held towards historically underrepresented groups.
Fazdi has an impressive résumé including being a finalist in the 2018 Western Australian of the year and being a skilled facilitator in the areas of unconscious bias, racial equity, inclusive leadership, gender equality and social justice.
Fazdi used metaphorical examples to illustrate her concepts. She used the example of an iceberg to illustrate the concept that what we see of others may represent only 10% of that person. She revealed her personal story starting in Zimbabwe, moving to Massachusetts (USA) with her parents, then back to Zimbabwe, Botswana, the UK and then Singleton in NSW before finally arriving in Perth 2010. She described her extended family and some of the challenges she has faced and pointed out that we would not have known any of these details just by looking at her.
Fazdi explained the differences between observers, how we judge our own actions by our intent and the actions of others by their impact.
Following a question and answer session, the meeting thanked Fazdi for taking the time to visit us and inform us of this important subject.