After National Youth Science Forum


Caleb's first introduction to a Rotary program was when he attended the ConocoPhillips Science Experience for Year 9 and 10 students. Following this he served on the Stirling Farmers Market roster where he learned about giving back to the community.

In 2018 he was one our two RC Karrinyup representatives to the National Youth Science Forum, which gave him an insight into the area he wanted to study at university. Following a year of hard study, which paid off with an excellent ATAR score, he was accepted into the University of WA. He was also invited to be part of the NYSF' Student Staff Leadership Program.

Caleb embraced university life, along with all the social clubs and was committed to making change. He volunteered with Ignite Mentoring, which seeks to enable all young people an equal educational opportunity empowering them to reach their potential and worked with high school students. Around this time he was also given, in his words, the Fogarty Experience, which involved peer mentoring, inspirational events, mentoring and networking opportunities in a brilliant community.

In what he called the July Dilemma, in 2019 he was given three opportunities for the mid-year semester break - International Summer Science Institute (Israel) or NYSF Staff Training (Canberra) or International Science School Facilitator (Sydney). He ended up attending the Dr Bessie F. Lawrence International Summer Science Institute (ISSI at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel, where he was one of three Australians among around eighty students from over twenty countries.  His group worded together to deliver a scientific paper on Experimental Investigation into Chirality Using Raman Optical Activity Measured by Dual Beam Modulation. It was here that he truly learned what it meant to be a citizen of the world.

Caleb emphasized that all of these incredible experiences came his way because of the initial opportunities made available by the RC Karrinyup. He again expressed his gratitude to the club and urged all young people to say 'Yes" to the opportunities offered to them.

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