More About Tranby Hub


Rhys Powell, Manager Community Engagement, and Danni Evans, Operations Lead for Transitioning from Homelessness Services at Tranby Hub, told us that Uniting WA exists to inspire people, enliven communities and confront injustice. They work to address the causes of vulnerability and disadvantage and stand for a just society, where individuals and communities are valued and connected. Tranby Hub is open every day of the year and services are available throughout the Perth metro area extending up to Two Rocks/Yanchep, as well as in the Great Southern region.

The current cost of living crisis has been responsible for a huge increase in the need for services. Back in the 90's, they would see around 70 people per day. Post COVID this increased to around 220 per day and is now up to 330 per day. On one day a few weeks ago, they had 440 people come through seeking help. Many are homeless and rough sleepers. Tranby Hub supplies hot meals, showers, medical services, haircuts etc, as well as access to Centrelink services. However, it's services extend far beyone immediate needs.

The three main areas of support provided are:

  • Assertive Outreach - street-based model to engage with rough sleepers to build rapport, identify required needs and supports, and advocate through referral and case management to assist individuals to transition out of homelessness.
  • Centre Based Support - Crisis Support Tranby provides a ‘low threshold’ drop-in service for people experiencing homelessness seven days per week. By operating at a low threshold we aim to reduce as many barriers as possible to enable people to access crisis supports.
  • Accommodation - Homelessness Accommodation Support Service and crisis accommodation for rough sleepers and external services for specialist support such as alcohol and drugs, mental health, domestic violence support.

The two largest groups needing support are young pregnant women and women over 55. Older women are among the fastest growing cohort of people experiencing homelessness with a 55% increase in the number seeking specialist services in the past ten years.

Staff at Tranby Hub are trained to connect and work to prevent homelessness and provide foster care. They seek to understand and look beyond past trauma with an aim to to prevent intergenerational homelessness. Staff never give up on anyone.

With the huge increase in the number of people needing assistance, staff are most grateful for all volunteer support. There are many ways people can help. More information is available on the Uniting website or via email or phone 9220 1222.

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